Guru or Jupiter is transiting to Mesha – Aries Rashi on the 8th May 2011, Vaishakh Shukla Panchami, Sunday at 14:13:00 Hrs. Guru Dev will remain in Mesha Rashi till 17th May 2012. The Punya Kaal or Auspicious time for offering Puja, Archana, Chanting of Mantra etc is from 12:21:00 Hrs to 16:03:00 Hrs..!
For Guru Puja read at the bottom of this Article)
The Guru Dev will be transiting from a fiery Sign or Agni Tatva Rashi Mesha ruled by Mangal. Mesha is a friendly sign for Guru Dev as the Lord Mangal is a friendly Graha of Guru Dev.
Guru is friendly Graha with Surya, Chandra and Mangal and enemy of Budha and Shukra….!
Let’s understand the results of this year long transit for all the 12 Rashi’s or Signs of the Zodiac…!
Mesha [Aries] – For Mesh or Aries people the Transit is happening with copper or Tamra Paaya in your own sign. So the results for you are Very, Very Good…..!
Guru will be in your own Rashi after 12 long years and last time it was in your Sign in year 1999-2000.
The Guru transit from your own sign is a boon to you and there will be growth in all the possible fields of life….! You will be blessed with Guru Kripa and all your undertakings will be a huge success….! This transit will mark a new beginning in your life and money, wealth, respect, repute, happiness and prosperity is always promised to you people.
There will be slightly problems with Ear, Nose and Throat systems and medication for the same may be needed in this year of Guru transit. Your face might get scars, cuts or marks. The body fat will rise out of proportion and you need to control the same, if you need to enjoy the benefits of this very good phase of your life…!
You must have done lot for the life up till now, but this is the time when life will do a lot for you. Don’t be adamant and keep the doors of yours open and let the things happen to you. The Param PiTa Parmeshwar is showering his blessing upon you, you just need to be in good form and shape and ready to accept his offerings…!
You will sit in the top most management or senior level positions in your profession and rub shoulders with the big bosses of your organization. If in business, great success is promised. The phase is great for your creative pursuits and you will show the best of your creative abilities and will be praised by one and all for the same…! If you are expecting children in the family, with Guru Kripa there will be birth of a child in the family…! In Love and romance you will be a true and passionate lover and your partner will surrender to you wholeheartedly for your deep love and affection for him or her. This is also a good time for speculation, investment and gaining from Lottery, SaTTa and share market. You will regain all your lost glory, charm, respect and repute in this phase.
The society will look at you with much of respect and honor. Partners will go by your word and partnership will flourish like anything. It is very good for partners as with your Guru Kripa, they will also get elevated in all aspects of life. People who are yet not married, it’s the marriage time for you all and take my word, the marriages happened in this phase, will be blessed by Guru Kripa. So great time for love, romance and marriage for all you….!
This is the phase when you people will also go for an overseas journey, might be some business or vacation trips. You will also become religious and do a lot for your Dharma. Pilgrimage and Holy rituals at home are promised….!
So this transit will give a new direction to your life. You will grow phenomenally professionally in this phase. Child Birth, Romance, Marriage and success in all undertakings are a promise…!
Please read the special Daan, Pooja and other things to appease Guru Dev in this period, at the bottom of this article…..!
Vrishabh [Taurus] – For Vrishabh Rashi, the Transit is happening with Silver or Raupya Paaya, hence it is a good Transit for all of you people of Vrishabha Rashi.
The transit is happening in the 12th House of your Kundali. Guru being the Lord of 8th House and 11th House, is placed in your 12th House from 8th May onwards. So there will be rise in the Karakatva of these houses.
The phase is good for elevating spiritually and offering prayers, Puja’s and holy rituals. You will spend a lot for the Dharma. In these 12 months, you will earn very good money, but since Guru is in expenses, whatever you will earn will not be sufficient. So you will be constantly fighting over the financial front, but things will be under control. Bad debts and loans will be repaid before 15th November, after that you will get waivers in defaulted loans or don’t have to pay the same…! You will indulge in relationship with others spouse and might have to spend a lot on such relationship.
You have to be careful about sudden losses, robbery and must take care of your eyes. Death of close friends foreseen in this phase….!
You people will buy a new house or relocate yourself. Guru Dev will give you the happiness from home, houses, property, land etc. A new Car is also promised for you people…! Your mother will be proud of you and you will get all the possible happiness and support from her….!
You will be benefited by inheritance or ancestral property and suddenly can have huge funds in your account…!
So many positive things for you in this phase of Guru Transit….!
For Guru Puja’s and Special Remedies please read at the bottom of this article…!
Mithun [Gemini] – Guru Transit is happening for you with Gold or Suvarna Paaya, so it is a phase of little tension for you…! Guru will be transiting 11th from the Rashi. Guru is the lord of 7th and 10th House for you.
You will get ten different options of money making and your networking skills will help in this. By the help from senior and established people, you will climb the ladder of success in this phase. You have to be humble and respect people’s views and guidance to grow in life.
Child birth in the family is promised due to Guru Kripa. Before 15th November, ladies will deliver babies happily without any medical complications. After 15th November, there will be some or the other complication in delivering the baby as Shani Dev will be entering your 5th House on the said date. So necessary advance planning needed for would be mothers….!
Those people, who are not having their own person in life, will fall in love and romance will be of great quality. This is also a great phase for getting married, so love, romance and babies all is blessed to you due to Guru Kripa.
Coborns will also do good and the bond between brothers and sisters will be much stronger…!
From November onwards Marriage will go through testing times, so prior care should be taken to salvage the marriage.
For Specialized Guru Puja and other remedies please read at the bottom of this article…!
Karka [Cancer] – Guru will be transiting in Mesha Rashi with Iron or Loha Paaya for you people, so hardship is promised in this phase…! Guru is Lord of 6th and 9th House for you..!
The transit is happening in your Karma Sthana. So there will be N-number of opportunities as far as profession or business is concerned. You need to be cautious while choosing the one single Job, or choosing that one single switch in Job or business, as Karma Sthana Guru at times makes one unsatisfied too….! But in general with Guru Kripa there will be good rise in profession. Relation with father need to be taken care of and if you behave in a right manner with father or elderly people, might get blessed with their support and help too….!
A new House is promised, buying of land, property and houses are foreseen, happiness from vehicles is there. Motherly bliss from Mother or Motherly figures is promised. Speech, Money, Family and domestic happiness is all promised due to Guru Kripa. Enemies will trouble you for some time but finally you will win over them….!
Diseases will give you some relief and life will be much relaxed…!
From November 15 onwards, Profession needs to be taken care of as Shani is going to aspect your Karma Sthana, so before November, complete all your tasks, prioritized your work and get the most important things done before November, as after that hardship is promised for you….!
Fathers health will deteriorate after November, hence proactive measures should be taken for the same….!
So overall not a bad transit at all for you people…!
For Guru Puja and remedial measures please read at the bottom of this article….!
Singha [Leo] – The transit is happening with Gold or Suvarna Paaya for you, so a bit of tension in this one year is foreseen for you….! Guru becomes the 5th and 8th House Lord for you people.
The Transit is happening in your Bhagya Sthana. Bhagya Sthana Guru is always considered good for every single aspect of life. As Guru is a Graha for divine Knowledge, Divine Help, Spirituality and Religion, on material grounds you might not be that successful. But you will be happy from within, calm, composed and contended. Satisfaction will be there in all walks of life. You will not be in the corporate rat race and will live happily in whatever blessings Guru Dev shower upon you. The material growth will be mediocre but spiritually you will excel like anything.
As Guru is the lord of your 5th House, if you involve your children in your business, work, will get fortune like anything. Happiness from children is promised. Sudden gains and inheritance can give you adequate finances. You will be enjoying on others money, property or wealth of the dead people, Insurance, Commission based business or services will be good for you in this phase…!
Your health will be good and you will have a radiant face and body. Guru is blessing your Rashi, hence your persona will be like a king and respect, repute will be there for you in the society…! You will do Parakrama or Shaurya and can venture into something new in career or profession. Fraternal bliss is promised. Romance, Love and Creativity is abundant in this phase…!
So overall a good transit of Guru Dev for you people.
For Guru Puja and other remedial measures, please read at the bottom of this article…!
Kanya [Virgo] – For Kanya people the Guru Transit is Happenning with Copper Paaya, which is considered very good transit in general. But for Kanya, the placement will be in the 8th House. This is not a good house for a Graha of wisdom and divinity. Kanya people should take care of their health as there will be health hazards troubling them. They should avoid eating sweets and related stuff as there are cent percent chances that they can get a disease like diabetes or get obese because of there excessive eating habits. Guru rules the fat, hence fat needs to be controlled on war front.
There will be chances of getting inherited wealth and property, but few hurdles need to be faced in that direction. Others money should be handled carefully as there are chances that you might enjoy on easy money or others money and repayment can be a problem. There will be no dearth of money and you will be a sweet talker and many of your works get completed in this transit phase.
Guru in Ashtham gives sudden death; hence you need to be careful about your safety and welfare. Don’t confront with any one, be careful while driving or crossing roads etc…! Guru in Eighth House creates worse conditions at religious places or gathering at such seminars etc. So avoid going to temples, pilgrimage etc as the Death Spell gets activated near holy places…! With Such Guru, death is predicted in or near a religious place….!
You will spend lot on Puja and holy rituals at home, donate to Astrologers, Priests and many Puja’s will happen on your behalf..! There will be chances of travels regarding pilgrimage, but ideally these should be avoided and instead let some one else do these Puja, Rituals on your behalf…! There are chances of you changing your house and buying new property etc. Problems with existing House can not be ruled out…!
Help Elders, Priests, Guru’s and Motherly figures and there will be great domestic happiness for you all…!
For Specialized Puja’s please read at the bottom of this Article…!
Tula [Libra] – The Transit is happening with Silver or Raupya Paaya for you people. So it is a good and benefic Transit for you people…! Guru is having direct aspect on your Rashi, so it is really a very promising phase for you people. You will be like a shining bright Star and will get relief from Shani Sade Sati. So make the most out of this positive phase.
Parnership will flourish and an ideal time for opting for it. Those who are not married, a very, very promising phase for such people and they can get married with the blessings of Guru Dev. This Marriage will have the Guru Bala and hence will flourish too…! Socially you will be respected and will get good reputation….!
You will have risk taking attitude and will go beyond your own limits to achieve success and very easily will see the fruits of your Smart Work. Fraternal Bliss is promised. Writing, Communication, Travels and small journeys will be beneficial and will give you a lot.
Day by day your gains will increase and you will be blessed with strong friends and you will be at your best in your networking skills. Don’t sit at home, go out, socialize, meet people, interact, share ideas, open your heart and all your friends, acquaintances and network will give you helping hands and you will be blessed like anything…!
Take care of your spouse and give time for each other, with Guru Kripa all will be well for you people…!
For remedial measures please read at the bottom of this article…!
Vrischik [Scorpio] – For Vrischik people the Transit is happening in 6th House with Iron or Loha Paaya, so hardship is promised. Guru is your Dhana and Putra Lord and will be transiting from the 6th House. Hence deformities in the results of these can be foreseen.
6th House Guru in general fuels the energy for career and profession as Guru gives 5th Drishti to the Karma Sthana. Hence no dearth of Jobs for you and career wise you will be satisfied….! But 6th House Guru creates problems for health and fat related diseases can not be ruled out. The first month of transit that is May – June one needs to be very careful as two of the fiery Grahas like Mangal and Surya are also there with Guru..! Hence problems with blood related diseases, spinal chord; heart matters can disturb you people. People with diabetes must take care of there feet as diabetic foot and gangrene can trouble you. Utmost care of eyes is needed…!
As the family Lord, is in fall, because of you the family will be troubled and there will be major turbulence at home. Be cautious while speaking or arguing with people as your words might do irreversible loss to you. Though the career will be on track, constant need of money will create havoc in your life. Whatever you will earn, will not be sufficient and there will be much pain in fulfilling family responsibilities…!
Being the lord of the Putra Sthana, you will also get worried and tensed on your children’s account. So take care of theirs and keep them under control. You will spend lot on religious offerings and might go on a pilgrimage. It is good for you and will give you the blessings of Guru Dev…!
With Guru Upasana money and family matters can be under control.
For remedial measures please read at the bottom of this article…!
Dhanu [Sagittarius] – For you people the transit is happening with copper or Tamra Paaya, so Very Good results for you people. Guru is the lord of your Rashi and your 4th House of domestic happiness.
Hence all goodness in terms of Self and domestic happiness is promised to you…!
Your Rashi Lord Guru is in the 5th House, one of Trikona or Lakshmi Sthana. Hence lot many things in store for you..!
The Kendra Lord in Trikona is a very fortunate Yoga, hence please get ready for windfall gains and success…!
Your personality will improve and the blessing of Guru Dev and Goddess Mahalakshmi is there with you. There will be success in all your undertakings and great happiness from friends and network is promised. Little worry on account of children, hence lot of energy, time and money can be focused on children.
Fortune will shine upon you and there will be some overseas trips. You will get incline towards your Dharma and will do a lot for Dharma and religious causes. Your understanding of sacred texts will be impeccable and you might learn some shastra like Astrology, Palmistry or Learn Vedas etc.
Overall a great transit for you people…!
For remedial measures please read at the bottom of this article…!
Makar [Capricorn] – For Makar people the Transit is happening with Gold or Suvarna Paaya hence a bit of tension will be always there in this phase. For you Guru becomes the lord of 3rd and 12th House.
The Guru will be placed in the 4th House of Your Kundali from your Rashi. Hence there will be buying of new property, land, House promised for you people. There will be many things happening at your home and despite having everything, you won’t be able to spend time with family members and enjoy the happiness at domestic front. Mother’s or motherly ladies in the family must be taken care of as their health might deteriorate..!
A great transit in terms of Career. You will see new heights in career or profession and there will be new horizons calling you..! You will reach the highest position in your profession and will be blessed with co-operation and support from bosses, partners etc. Your ideas, views and opinions will be appreciated and will create miracles for you and the company. Blessings and happiness of Father or Fatherly figures is a promise. Great felicitation, awards, rewards at the government level are also a great possibility..!
You might get blessed with paternal property or wealth and can enjoy it too..! If in the business of Insurance, commission based services, you will enjoy on others money as people will find trust and faith in you and on your words can invest…!
Great time for pilgrimages and offering Puja’s at holy places. Your wishes and desires will be fulfilled by such rituals and prayers…! Will spend with free hand on such pious cause…!
So overall a good transit for you, just take care of your family and spend time with family members. Don’t get involved with legal matters regarding your own House, property etc..!
For remedial measures, please read at the bottom of this article…!
Kumbha [Aquarius] – For Kumbha the transit is happening with Silver or Raupya Paaya hence good results are promised..!
Guru is the lord of your 2nd and 11th House. Guru will be placed in your 3rd House in Mesha Rashi from 8th May onwards…!
The Dhana and Labha, both House are of gains, and the transit Guru is going to be in your House of Parakrama or Valor. So be assured of the great money flow in this year…! There will be different streams and ways to generate wealth for you. You will be full of risk taking attitude and cross all the possible barriers and move in a very positive way to create the desired wealth and will be successful in your all ventures. Bit of tension from brothers or Coborns is promised though you will do a lot for them.
The Guru is aspecting your 7th House, so for unmarried people it is the marriage time. Partnership will flourish with the grace of Guru Dev. Fortune will shine upon you and you will be amazed with your own growth and prosperity…! Will do a lot for Dharma. Travels and overseas Journeys is the fate of this 1 year Guru Transit…!
Networking and friends will help and due to them will get benefited like anything…! Day by day your wealth will increase…!
So a great transit for Kumbha People…!
For remedial measures and specialized Puja’s please read at the botto of this article..!
Meena [Pisces] – The Guru Transit is happening with Iron or Loha Paaya, hence Kashtha or hardship is promised for you people. Guru is the lord of your Rashi and Karma Sthana. Guru will be placed in your Dhana Sthana from 8th May onwards..!
The Rashi Lord is in Dhana Sthana, hence the complete focus and orientation will be towards making money and welfare of family. There will be troubles and problems in family life. Your words might harm others and there might be some or the other diseases of the mouth. Keep control on your eating habits and avoid sweets…!
You will get help and support from father and fatherly figures for settling or doing something of your own. You will be relieved by the help from father’s side. From November onwards, please control yourself, as you might mingle with opposite sex and can create problems for your own and the family. You might think of an extended family with other partner, but try to not get into this vicious trap of time.
You will get good loans and your opposition people will be in control. Inheritance and profit from the dead people’s property and wealth is foreseen. Career, Profession will be taken care of and fatherly bliss will be observed…!
For remedial measures please read bellow…!
Bhakti Dhara will be conducting special Puja’s at Ganagapur, the Place of Guru Dattatreya on 8th May, the day of Transit and 9th May, the next day of the Transit..!
1. Guru Paadya Puja with Rudra Avartana and Annadanam Seva
2. Dattatreya Yaag with Datta Mala Mantra Jaap followed by Havan, Danam, Bhojan and Dakshina to 11 Priests
3. Godana – Donating Cow and a Calf to Priests
4. Annadanam Seva to Devotees and Priests
For Guru Upasana, you people can chant Guru Mantra || Om Gram Greem Graum sah Guruve Namaha || or || Shri Guru Dev Datta || for 108 times on the Transit Day from 12:21:00 Hrs to 16:03:00 Hrs
Donate Yellow fruits, Sweets and Pulses to Elderly people and at some Temple, Feed Brahmins, Priests, Annadanam Seva is of Great Importance as Guru Dev use to live on Alms.
The Basic Padya Puja of Dattatreya at Ganagapur is of Rs. 3500 for India and Rs.5500 for overseas devotees.
The Dattatreya Yaag is a very expensive Yagya with 11 Priests. If you want to do it personally for you and family please write to us.
If you want a Sankalpa for you and your family to be done at this Datta Yaag, then you can donate as much money as you can…!
For Annadanam Seva Donate Rs. 50/- per Patra or Person. You can donate as per your wish for whatever number of people you want to feed…!
For Donating a Cow and Calf to Priests, please write to us…!
Here are our account details for sending the Puja fees / Dakshina / Annadanam Seva Contribution / Datta Yaag Sankalpa etc…!
Account Name: Bhakti Dhara Foundation
Account Number: 01632000013054
Account Type: Current Account
Bank: HDFC Bank, Rupam Centre, Cine Planet, Sion East, Mumbai 400022, Maharashtra, INDIA
IFSC, NEFT, RTGS Code: HDFC0000163
Overseas people can contribute from Easy Pay option from our Website…!
The Prasad will be dispatched to address with express delivery…!
For detailed predictions of yours or your family members, you can book a Horoscope reading from our web site. For any other problems, query please write to me directly….!
|| Shubham Bhavatu ||
Dilip Raut
Founder – Director – Astrologer
Bhakti Dhara Foundation
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