Neecha Bhanga Raj
Let’s discuss the Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga today…!
The definition of Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga is, when one Graha
get’s placed in his Neecha or Debilitated Sign, and at the same time Another
Graha is placed in the same sign which is his Uchha or Exalted Sign.
This placement of one Neecha and one Uchha Graha in a single
Rashi and House, is called Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga. Here the Neechatva or
Debilitation of the Neecha Graha get nullified or cancelled due to close
proximity with a Uchha Graha in the same Rashi and House. And hence even the
Neecha Graha starts giving very positive results…!
Examples of Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga –
Budha, Shukra both in Kanya Rashi, Budha is Exalted in Kanya
and Shukra is Debilitated in Kanya. Hence the Neechatva or Debilitation of
Shukra gets cancelled due to Exalted or Uchha Budha.
Mangal Guru in Makar Rashi – Mangal becomes exalted and Guru
becomes Neecha in Makar. The Neechatva of Guru gets nullified due to Uchha
Mangal in Makar.
Similarly In Karka Rashi Mangal becomes Neecha and Guru
Becomes Uchha, It is also a Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga where the Neechatva of
Mangal gets nullified due to Uchha Mangal.
Why this Neecha Bhanga is termed as a Raj Yoga…!
The answer is, this is the best kind of Yoga for persons
born in ordinary conditions to reach the pinnacle of Glory. With this Yoga, one
attains Name, Fame, Wealth and Success like anything in life.
Hence it is a Royal combination and termed as a Neecha
Bhanga Raj Yoga.
IF you have such yoga in your kundali, no matter how bad is
your condition now or how poor you are, one thing is sure that you are going to
be a Great Successful Person in this life.
I remember one person coming to me 12 years back. He was
jobless and frustrated person. He asked me “when will he get a job”??? I saw
his Kundali and smiled…! He asked me’ why? What’s wrong’???
I told him, “you will give jobs to 100s of people. Why you
are so restless and worried”?
He thought I was laughing on his condition. He got nervous.
I told him that within next 10 years he will be a King. He will have all the
possible pleasures and luxuries of life and will leave a very successful life.
He asked me how? I told him that he is having a Neecha
Bhanga Raj Yoga in his 4th House in Makar Rashi with Neecha Guru and
Uchha Mangal.
I also told him that he will have a huge house of his own
and will be successful in Land and construction.
The Person who was rejected, dejected, suppressed by society
and conditions was smiling with new hope. He later told me that he is running a
VADA PAV STALL on Mumbai Streets, how will these impossible things happen.
I told him soon he will quit his Stall and will get into a different
job. The boy as per predictions got into a role of a recovery agent for HSBC
Bank. He did fairly well there and within two years started his own recovery
agency. Starting from a 4by8 feet office in a Mumbai Chawl, today his Agency is in the top 10 recovery agencies
of Mumbai and he has 5 offices across Mumbai and employs nearly 300 people and
pays nearly 70 lakh rupees as monthly salary.
As predicted he bought a huge flat in Prabhadevi near
Siddhivinayak Mandir.
A person who was selling Vada Pav on the streets of Mumbai,
becomes an entrepreneur and businessman and now deals into property for
construction where one project cost nearly
200 crore.
That’s the Leela of Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga.
I have another client from the Television World. He was a
Huge name and brand himself in 2006. He used to direct Musical Reality shows
for a leading TV Channel in Mumbai and was employed with the channel. He was
getting Rs. 4 Lakh as a monthly Salary in 2006. He was facing lot of opposition
and problems from the newly appointed network CEO of the channel.
He came to me and told me that he worked for 14 years with
that channel with complete Loyalty and now the channel is creating problems for
him. What to do..?
I smiled at him and told that, “it s said in Shastra, that
with Guru’s every new cycle of the Zodiac, that is after every 12 years motion of
Guru, even stones and objects with no
life, change their positions. 12 Years is one TAPA in Shastra and is a very
long period...! Why are you stuck with this Job for so long…? It is time for the
The Director got confused and asked me “how”? I told him,
there is Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga in his Kundali in the 11th House, in
Karka Rashi. Guru is exalted and Mangal Debilitated in Karka. He is getting
into Guru Mahadasha from 2006 December. Told him to Leave the Job and try for
starting a Channel of His own. It is very much possible and will happen…!
He got charged and asked me he is thinking of starting his
new company or a Production House which will make programs for 10 different
channels. Shall he take that decision???
I told him that he will anyhow be successful in his new
company, but warned him that within few years he will enter into Sade Sati and
Neecha Bhanga and Guru Mahadasha will not be giving 100 percent positive
results. Times is good now and think of a Channel…; as in Sade Sati time no
channel will give him work. So instead have his own channel and encash his
brand value.
The director said he will start with the production house
and did so. He did phenomenally well in the first year. The turnover of his
company was 80 crore for the first year. Next Year he reached 130 crore. Third
year his turnover came to 50 crore due to the start of Sade Sati.
The man, who was earning 4 lakh per month, was now making
crores of rupees per anum. But the Sade Sati did its role and after 2009 his
turnover reduced to 8-10 crore with a few regional language programs and no
major Hindi Channel gave him work. He came to me and asked why this is
happening? People from channels are not answering his calls, not replying to
his emails and messages, not giving him time to meet…!
I again laughed at him and told him that “you didn’t pay
heed to my advice”. I have told to him to start a channel, instead he got lured
with 25 crore budgets of a single program and produced programs for several
channels. He didn’t respect the advice and now facing severe cash crunch and
paying back a loan of more than 12 crores of rupees…!
He did construct a 4 floor building for his office in Mumbai
suburbs, did bought couple of apartments. But now sade sati is making his life
Any way, but Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga made this man who came
from U.P by sleeping near the toilet in Mahanagari express, that too without
That’s the Leela of Neecha Bhanga Raj Yoga..!
|| Shubham Bhavatu ||
Dilip Raut
91 9322890481
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